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- 2,000+ dogs trained
- Certified Professional Dog Trainer Knowledge Assessed
- Karen Pryor Academy Certified Training Professional
- Fear Free Certified Professional
- From Mississippi
- In person rate: $100 / hour
- Doggo Training rate: $15.99 / month
A bit about Audrey
Since I started training dogs professionally, I’ve worked with thousands of dogs and their owners in group classes, workshops, and private lessons both in-person and virtually. Puppy training and behavior is my specialty. In fact, I get a new puppy every two years to stay sharp and understand exactly what my clients are going through. My other professional interests include service dog training, genetics and functional breeding, and canine conditioning and body awareness. All of my dogs have Trick Dog titles and the AKC Trick Dog program is always where I recommend owners start when they’re deciding what to train next beyond essential good dog skills. My current puppy, in addition to getting her Novice Trick Dog title at 14 weeks old, is training with me to compete in competition obedience, rally obedience, and conformation.
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